Horse and Hound Rescue Foundation

helping you find your next family member 

By checking this box you agree to the following Adoption Policies:

1.The adopted horse may not be raced or bred. The adopted horse can not be sold, given away, assigned or disposed of, without HHRF having acknowledgment or a prior agreement at time of adoption. 

2. Transportation arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the adopter at the time of adoption.

3. In order to allow time to properly relocate the adopted horse, thirty days notice must be given to HHRF. Unless in the event of an emergency.

4. A current coggins must accompany the adopted horse if it is to be returned to HHRF.

5. Only if prior approval has been agreed upon by HHRF, then and only then the adopter may release the horse from their care to HHRF.

6. It is further agreed that the adoption fee is non-refundable.

7. Any changes with the attending veterinarian, location of the adopted horse, must be provided to HHRF within five (5) days of the changes.

8. Basic Care Requirements: 1) The horse must have access to fresh water as well as salt/mineral supplements at all times. 2) The horse must have available a three sided shelter at all times. 3) Safe fencing is required along with a companion animal. 4) Depending on the level of exercise and use of the horse, the adopted horse shall maintain weight and condition described by the Henneke Scoring System within Moderate (5) and Fleshy (7).

9. Health Care Requirements: 1) Vaccinations to be done on an annually basis are required as shown: West Nile, Tetanus, Rabies, Eastern/Western Encephalitis, Rhino and all other inoculations recommended by your veterinarian for any endemic diseases. 2) Adopted horse must be maintained on a regular deworming program. 3) Adopter is required to have the teeth checked and floated on a regular schedule. 4) It is required to maintain the adopted horse on a regular schedule for proper hoof care.

10. Illness/Injury Care: According to the requirements of the ______________ County ordinance and? or the laws of the State of___________________________, adopter agrees to care for any illness and/or injuries based on the needs of the horse recommended by the attending veterinarian. It is also agreed and understood that HHRF has the right to inspect the adopted horse and or facility where the horse is stabled. At any time HHRF has the right to request annual veterinarian reports pertaining to the health and welfare of the adopted horse (forms may be provided). By completing this form you are on your way to adopting your horse.

We thank you for your interest in adopting a Horse and Hound Rescue Foundation Horse.